[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000397s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_city` [ runtime:0.000921s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_city` where `id` = 1999 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000275s ]
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_ad` [ runtime:0.000591s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_ad` where `type_id` = 1 and `open` = 1 and `city` is null order by `sort` asc [ runtime:0.000194s ]
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_link` [ runtime:0.000709s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_link` where `open` = 1 and `city_id` = 0 order by `addtime` asc [ runtime:0.000255s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000437s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_plugin` [ runtime:0.000678s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_plugin` where `code` = 'changyan' limit 1 [ runtime:0.000283s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000211s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_decoration_space` [ runtime:0.000562s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_decoration_space` where `isopen` = 1 order by `sort` limit 6 [ runtime:0.000216s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000217s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_style` [ runtime:0.000684s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_style` order by `sort` limit 6 [ runtime:0.000199s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000210s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_decoration_type` [ runtime:0.000672s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_decoration_type` where `pid` = 2 and `isopen` = 1 order by `sort` limit 5 [ runtime:0.000223s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000249s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_category` [ runtime:0.000791s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_category` where ( parentid = 25 ) order by `sort` [ runtime:0.000327s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000188s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select * from `azb_category` where ( parentid = 26 ) order by `sort` [ runtime:0.000253s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000199s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select * from `azb_category` where ( parentid = 27 ) order by `sort` [ runtime:0.000267s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000214s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_accept_price` [ runtime:0.000704s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_accept_price` [ runtime:0.000181s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000244s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select * from `azb_decoration_type` where ( isopen = 1 ) limit 8 [ runtime:0.000241s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000217s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_seo_config` [ runtime:0.000613s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_seo_config` where `key` = 'seo_strategy_askinfo' and `city_id` = 0 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000234s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000228s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_question` [ runtime:0.000744s ]
[ sql ] select `title` from `azb_question` where `id` = 25 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000351s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000225s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_system` [ runtime:0.000645s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_system` where ( id = 1 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000229s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000210s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select `shortname` from `azb_city` where `id` = 1999 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000168s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000239s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_activity` [ runtime:0.000719s ]
[ sql ] select `id`,`title`,`thumb` from `azb_activity` where `type` = 2 and `state` = 1 and `status` = 1 order by `id` desc limit 3 [ runtime:0.000212s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000208s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_prect` [ runtime:0.000899s ]
[ sql ] select `id`,`province_id`,`city_id`,`area` from `azb_prect` where `type_id` = 2 and `state` = 1 order by `id` desc limit 16 [ runtime:0.000244s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000183s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select `site_sign` from `azb_city` where `id` = 1999 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000161s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000216s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select `site_sign` from `azb_city` where `id` = 1999 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000175s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000231s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] update `azb_question` set `click` = `click` 1 where ( id=25 ) [ runtime:0.000253s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000190s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select `q`.*,`qc`.`classname`,`u`.`name` from `azb_question` `q` left join `azb_users` `u` on `q`.`uid`=`u`.`id` inner join `azb_question_class` `qc` on `q`.`askclass`=`qc`.`id` where `q`.`id` = '25' limit 1 [ runtime:0.000408s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000229s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_question_answer` [ runtime:0.000718s ]
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_question_answer` where `qid` = 25 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000249s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000202s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select `qa`.*,`u`.`avatar`,`uc`.`full_name` from `azb_question_answer` `qa` left join `azb_users` `u` on `qa`.`uid`=`u`.`id` left join `azb_users_company` `uc` on `qa`.`uid`=`uc`.`uid` where `qa`.`qid` = '25' order by `qa`.`settop` desc,`qa`.`ctime` desc [ runtime:0.000367s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000192s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select * from `azb_question` where `askclass` = 27 order by rand() limit 8 [ runtime:0.000516s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000175s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(uid) num,uid,state from `azb_question_answer` where ( state = 1 ) group by `uid` order by `num` desc,`uid` limit 3 [ runtime:0.000250s ]
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_users_company` [ runtime:0.000874s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_users_company` where `uid` = 14 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000314s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000196s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_question_answer` where `uid` = 14 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000149s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_users_company` where `uid` = 32 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000303s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000190s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_question_answer` where `uid` = 32 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000161s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_users_company` where `uid` = 35 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000281s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000232s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_question_answer` where `uid` = 35 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000175s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000198s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(uid) num,uid,state from `azb_question_answer` where ( state = 1 ) group by `uid` order by `num` desc limit 4,3 [ runtime:0.000180s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_users_company` where `uid` = 123 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000285s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000177s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_question_answer` where `uid` = 123 and `adopt` = 1 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000174s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_users_company` where `uid` = 10 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000311s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000187s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_question_answer` where `uid` = 10 and `adopt` = 1 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000182s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_users_company` where `uid` = 54 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000275s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000214s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_question_answer` where `uid` = 54 and `adopt` = 1 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000163s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000213s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_article` [ runtime:0.000718s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_article` where `hot` = 1 and `status` = '1' order by `createtime` desc limit 4 [ runtime:0.000346s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000196s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_case_pic` [ runtime:0.000629s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_case_pic` where ( pic_type != 1 ) order by `ctime` desc limit 12 [ runtime:0.001725s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000253s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_project_site` [ runtime:0.000808s ]
[ sql ] select count(uid) num,uid from `azb_project_site` group by `uid` order by `num` desc,`uid` limit 2 [ runtime:0.000211s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000215s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_users_designer` [ runtime:0.000856s ]
[ sql ] select `ud`.*,`u`.`avatar` from `azb_users_designer` `ud` left join `azb_users` `u` on `ud`.`uid`=`u`.`id` where `uid` = 84 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000293s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_project_site` where `uid` = 84 order by `ctime` desc limit 2 [ runtime:0.000242s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_style` where `id` in (13,11) [ runtime:0.000190s ]
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_decoration_method` [ runtime:0.000537s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_decoration_method` where `id` in (2) [ runtime:0.000177s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000219s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select `ud`.*,`u`.`avatar` from `azb_users_designer` `ud` left join `azb_users` `u` on `ud`.`uid`=`u`.`id` where `uid` = 89 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000304s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_project_site` where `uid` = 89 order by `ctime` desc limit 2 [ runtime:0.000264s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_style` where `id` in (2,1) [ runtime:0.000200s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_decoration_method` where `id` in (2) [ runtime:0.000175s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000243s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_diary` [ runtime:0.000923s ]
[ sql ] select * from `azb_diary` where `state` = 3 order by `sort` limit 3 [ runtime:0.000311s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000227s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select * from `azb_diary` where `state` = 3 order by `sort` limit 4,3 [ runtime:0.000216s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000257s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select * from `azb_ad` where `type_id` = 13 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000244s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000237s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select * from `azb_ad` where `type_id` = 14 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000257s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000222s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_project_site` where `uid` = 84 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000155s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000218s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_case` [ runtime:0.000743s ]
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_case` where `uid` = 84 and `state` = 1 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000230s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000199s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_project_site` where `uid` = 89 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000146s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000190s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_case` where `uid` = 89 and `state` = 1 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000179s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000205s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] show columns from `azb_diary_detail` [ runtime:0.000664s ]
[ sql ] select `img` from `azb_diary_detail` where `did` = 148 order by `ctime` desc limit 1 [ runtime:0.000195s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000230s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select `img` from `azb_diary_detail` where `did` = 178 order by `ctime` desc limit 1 [ runtime:0.000201s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000281s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select `img` from `azb_diary_detail` where `did` = 177 order by `ctime` desc limit 1 [ runtime:0.000191s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000221s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select `img` from `azb_diary_detail` where `did` = 175 order by `ctime` desc limit 1 [ runtime:0.000153s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000192s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select `img` from `azb_diary_detail` where `did` = 174 order by `ctime` desc limit 1 [ runtime:0.000173s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000196s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select `img` from `azb_diary_detail` where `did` = 173 order by `ctime` desc limit 1 [ runtime:0.000160s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000218s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_question_answer` where `qid` = 23 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000147s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000213s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_question_answer` where `qid` = 25 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000210s ]
[ db ] connect:[ usetime:0.000199s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=landizs;charset=utf8
[ sql ] select count(*) as tp_count from `azb_question_answer` where `qid` = 24 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000150s ]